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Drone training for relevant institutions involved in the management of the small-scale goldmining sector

Drone training has been provided since 2023 to the institutions involved in the management of the small-scale goldmining sector, namely the Ministry of Natural Resources (NH), the Geological Mining Service (GMD), the Small-scale Gold Sector Regulation Committee (OGS) and the National Environmental Authority (NMA). These training courses are part of the institutional and technical capacity building of the relevant government institutions. In this context, the EMSAGS Project has organized a follow-up training session, now an advanced drone training provided by Dutch experts from TAUW bv. This training session was a three-day session held from 20 to 22 August 2024, and the focus was on collecting and processing drone data. The training consisted of a theoretical and practical part. A total of 20 people participated in this training.

"Improving Environmental Management in the Mining Sector of Suriname, with Emphasis on Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM)" - EMSAGS Project
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