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Empowering mining and village communities: one of the component of the EMSAGS project

As part of the EMSAGS project, we aim to empower mining and village communities through targeted training and support. Providing economic opportunities plays a crucial role in reducing dependence on gold mining and helps communities discover new, sustainable sources of income.

On Thursday, February 6th, 13 participants, including 4 men and 8 women, enthusiastically took part in a customized training session on budgeting and cost price calculation. The training was fully tailored to the specific needs of the participants and was delivered in their local language. This not only facilitated understanding, but also ensured that the knowledge gained could be directly applied to their daily lives and work.

The participants gave positive feedback, stating that they have learned a lot and that the new knowledge would help them make better financial decisions, both personally and professionally. One particularly valuable outcome was that they are now able to accurately calculate the cost price of the products they produce and sell. This step is essential for making informed business decisions and for the future growth of their business.

Participants expressed a desire to continue learning about cost price calculation, which will allow them to deepen their knowledge and optimize their economic activities. This is an important first step toward economic independence and growth.

We are proud of the progress these communities are making and will continue to support them in their ongoing development. The EMSAGS project remains dedicated to creating long-term economic opportunities that lay the foundation for sustainable growth and success.

"Improving Environmental Management in the Mining Sector of Suriname, with Emphasis on Artisanal and Small-Scale Gold Mining (ASGM)" - EMSAGS Project
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